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EU Drinking Water Directive: implications for Legionella testing

In our BioTechniques, article, “Legionella water testing and the EU Drinking Water Directive: could potentially harmful Legionella bacteria slip through the gaps?”,  BioProbe Diagnostics experts Dr. Talia Arcari, Project Manager and  Dr. Sarah Delaney, Research & Development Scientist, discuss the recent revision to the EU Drinking Water Directive (DWD), which extends water quality risk analysis to include the monitoring of Legionella bacteria in all drinking water distribution systems, including large domestic water and industrial distribution systems. The new revision states EU members have two years to become fully compliant but can choose the testing method to use in accordance with the purposes specified in their national guidelines, causing. The fact that the DWD requires testing for Legionella spp. and not just Legionella pneumophila, the deadliest of the Legionella species, has sparked interesting discussions around national regulations and requirements for testing Legionella in water, there appears to be discord in the implementation of the DWD and different approaches are being adopted by different countries. Download our Expert Opinion article in full here:
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